Model TS420
Oxygen Deficiency Detector
The information and technical data disclosed in this
document may be used and disseminated only for the
purposes and to the extent specifically authorized in
writing by General Monitors.
Instruction Manual
General Monitors reserves the right to change
published specifications and designs without prior
Part No.
Model TS420
System Integrity Verification
General Monitors mission is to benefit society by providing solutions through industry leading
safety products, services and systems that save lives and protect capital resources from the
dangers of hazardous flames, gases and vapors.
The safety products you have purchased should be handled carefully and installed, calibrated
and maintained in accordance with the respective product instruction manual. Remember
these products are for your safety.
To ensure operation at optimum performance General Monitors recommends that certain
maintenance items are performed.
Commissioning Safety Systems
Before power up, verify wiring, terminal connections and stability of mounting for all integral
safety equipment including, but not limited to:
Power supplies
Control modules
Field detection devices
Signaling / output devices
Accessories connected to field and signaling devices
After the initial application of power (and any factory specifies warm-up period) to the safety
system, verify that all signal outputs, to and from devices and modules, are within the
manufacturers’ specifications. Initial calibration / calibration checking / testing should be
performed per the manufacturers’ recommendations and instructions.
Proper system operation should be verified by performing a full, functional test of all component
devices of the safety system, ensuring that the proper levels of alarming occur.
Proper system operation should be verifies by performing a full, functional test of all component
devices of the safety system, ensuring that the proper levels of alarming occur.
Fault/Malfunction circuit operation should be verified.
Model TS420
Periodic Testing/Calibration of Field Devices
Periodic testing/calibrating should be performed per the manufacturers’ recommendations and
instructions. Testing/Calibrating procedures should include, but not be limited to:
Verify zero reading
Apply a known concentration of gas, or a simulated test device provided by the
Verify integrity of all optical surfaces and devices
For flame detectors, use the appropriate test lamp
When testing produces results outside of the manufacturers’ specifications, re-calibration or
repair/replacement of the suspect device(s) should be performed as necessary. Calibration
intervals should be independently established through a documented procedure, including a
calibration log maintained by plant personnel or third party testing services.
Periodic System Verification
The following system verifications should be performed at least annually:
Verify wiring, terminal connections and stability of mounting for all integral safety equipment
including, but not limited to:
Power supplies
Control modules
Field detection devices
Signaling / output devices
Accessories connected to field and signaling devices
Proper system operation should be verified by performing a full, functional test of all component
devices of the safety system, ensuring that the proper levels of alarming occur.
Fault/Malfunction circuit operation should be verified.
Model TS420
Quick Start Guide
1. Mount and Wire the Detector (pages 5 through 9)
There are no standard rules for detector placement since the optimum sensor location is
different for each application. The customer must evaluate conditions at the facility to make this
determination. Generally, the TS420 should be easily accessible for calibration checks. The
TS420 should be mounted pointing down to prevent water build-up on the detector head. The
detector assembly should not be placed where it may be coated by contaminating substances.
Although the Model TS420 is RFI resistant, it should not be mounted in close proximity to radio
transmitters or similar equipment.
Some general guidelines for sensor location:
The TS420 should be used in locations that are tightly enclosed with poor or no
ventilation, such as utility tunnels or underground storage areas. These areas are likely
to have dangerously low oxygen concentrations.
Observe the TS420’s environmental specifications when locating the unit.
The environmental specifications covering the electrochemical cell are found in the Appendix,
Section 5.1.4.
Detectors should be mounted in an area that is as free from wind, dust, water, shock and
vibration as possible.
WARNING - Operation above or below temperature limits will provide unstable readings, which
may cause false alarms or failure to alarm. See Section 5.1.4 for guidelines.
General Monitors discourages painting of detector assemblies. If the detector head is painted
over, the gas will not be able to diffuse into the sensor. If the TS420 body is painted over, the
LCD display cannot be read.
The TS420 is shipped without the sensor installed. The sensor must be installed into the
detector and calibrated for proper operation. See Sections 3.3 and 3.4 for installation
instructions and Section 4.3 for calibration instructions.
Once correctly installed, the TS420 requires little or no maintenance other than periodic
calibration checks to ensure system integrity. General Monitors recommends a calibration
check schedule be established and that the complete system, including all alarm circuitry, be
tested at least annually.
The overall and mounting dimensions for the TS420 (Figure Q-A) should be used when making
installation determinations. Mechanical specifications can be found in the Appendix, Section
3/4 NPT
1 1/2-20 UN-2A
Figure Q-A Outline and Dimensional Drawing
Model TS420
Quick Start Guide
Intrinsically Safe Barriers
In order for the TS420 to be used with classified equipment inside of the hazardous area, it is
necessary for the customer to purchase either a Galvanic or Zener Diode Barrier, which should
be mounted in the non-classified area between the TS420 and the facilities’ control room. A list
of recommended manufacturers and part numbers follows for galvanic barriers:
Stahl - 9303/11-22-11
MTL - MTL7206 or MTL5041
Pepperl+Fuchs - KFD2-CR-EX1.30-300
Elcon - mD323 or mD325
Turck - mk33-Li-ExO
These are recommended active type barriers for intrinsically safe applications. Each application
is different and it is the ultimate decision of the user to determine the appropriate I/S barrier for
their application.
NOTE - To maintain intrinsic safety, wire length and gauge are limited by the capacitance and
inductance of the wire, Ci and Li of the TS420, and the barrier ratings. See Section 5.1.5 for
instructions on calculating these values.
Align the TS420 so that the LCD display is easily viewed. Teflon tape may be used on the
TS420’s threads.
The two wires at the base of the TS420 provide a 4-20mA loop-powered output. The red wire
is the “loop +” lead and the white wire is the “loop -” lead (Figure Q-B). A third green/yellow
wire is provided for frame ground.
Figure Q-B Wiring Diagram
It is recommended that a two wire, shielded cable be used for making power and output signal
connections on the TS420.
Connect the green/yellow frame ground wire to the grounding terminal or lug inside the junction
box being used with the TS420.
Ensure the junction box frame is connected to frame ground or connected to the cable shield,
which is connected to frame ground at the controller.
Connect the red wire to the +24VDC terminal. Connect the white wire to the signal input
terminal on the readout/relay display module, FMD Field Mounted Display, S4100E smart
sensor, industrial analog to digital converter, computer-based monitor, PLC, DCS, etc.
Since the TS420 is designed to operate continuously, a power switch is not included, in order to
prevent accidental system shutdown.
Model TS420
Quick Start Guide
NOTE - Power must remain disconnected until all wiring connections are made.
The absolute maximum distance between the TS420 and the power supply is 8000 feet (2438
meters). Depending on the application, general purpose or intrinsically safe, the cable length
will depend on the intrinsically safe barrier chosen and the cable used. See the Appendix,
Section 5.1.5, for the intrinsically safe system requirements. In addition, cable length
specifications can also be found in the Appendix, Section 5.1.3. In all cases, the cable run
should be as short as possible.
2. Apply power to the detector.
Before applying power to the system for the first time, all wiring connections should be checked
for correctness. The sensor should be allowed to stabilize prior to calibration. The stabilization
time should be one (1) hour for all sensors.
Initial Power-up
The TS420 has been shipped un-calibrated, therefore, the first time power is applied, the
TS420 will enter Start-up mode (3.6mA) for a short interval, then may transition to fault mode
(flashing MODE LCD with the CAL LCD off and the analog output current at 3.5mA) until
calibrated (See Section 4.3 for Calibration Procedure).
After calibration is complete, the TS420 will proceed to Operate mode (17.38mA = 20.9% V/V
O2) where any detected oxygen will show as a proportional analog output current between 4
and 20mA (4mA = 0% V/V O2, 20mA = 25% V/V O2). The MODE LCD will be on steady and the
CAL LCD off with normal atmosphere and both the MODE and CAL LCD's will flash when
oxygen deficiency is detected. (O2 level < 19%).
General Monitors recommends the TS420 be calibrated again within the first twenty-four (24)
hours after the initial calibration. Calibrations should be performed with new units and units that
have been off power for more than one (1) week. See “Calibration”, Section 4.3, for more
Power-up After Initial Calibration
When the TS420 is powered up, after it has been previously calibrated, the unit will enter a
Start-up mode (3.6mA) for approximately 50 seconds, which allows the sensor to stabilize
before proceeding to the Operate mode (17.38mA). During Start-up, the “MODE” LCD will
flash, the “CAL” LCD will be off and the analog output current will be 3.6mA.
AMBIENT O2 = 20.9%
Figure Q-C Operating Modes, Indicators and Outputs
1. Segment may flash Synchronously or alternating.
Perform a calibration and the TS420 will return to operate mode (17.38mA).
NOTE - The TS420 will not allow you to enter calibration mode during Start-up mode (3.6mA).
Model TS420
Quick Start Guide
3. Calibrate the Detector.
Activating the “CAL” switch will automatically disable the external alarm circuits by fixing the
analog output current to 3.75mA.
General Monitors recommends that the TS420 be calibrated within the first twenty-four (24)
hours after initial start-up, and that calibration be checked at least every ninety (90) days to
ensure the integrity of the system.
NOTE: A calibration check consists of applying a 20.9% V/V O2 (“normal” ambient air) of full-
scale concentration of gas to the sensor and observing the reading on the display device being
General Monitors is not implying that the customer should expect problems with sensor life or
stability. “Frequent” calibration checks merely ensure the integrity of the life protecting
equipment, and are recommended for problem environments (i.e. sensors accidentally being
painted over, etc, see Appendix 5.4).
A calibration schedule should be established and followed. A logbook should also be kept
showing calibration dates and dates of sensor replacement.
Calibration Procedure:
1. If it is suspected that the air is not at “normal” levels (20.9% O2), it will be necessary to
calibrate the sensor with clean air. The 20.9% O2 gas cylinder (GMI P/N 1400262-11) can be
used. Apply the clean air source prior to entering calibration mode and allow the sensor to
stabilize for at least one (1) minute before proceeding.
2. Place the magnet over the GMI Logo on the body of the unit and hold it there until the “CAL”
LCD indicator appears, then remove the magnet. The analog output current will drop to
3. The “CAL” and “MODE” LCD indicator will flash, indicating that the unit is now calibrating.
4. After approximately 30 seconds, the display will change from a flashing “CAL” and “MODE”
LCD to a solid “MODE” LCD, indicating that the calibration is complete and the unit has re-
entered “OPERATE” mode. Remove any calibration gas.
6. The unit is now calibrated and the new values have been stored in the NOVRAM (non-
volatile memory).
Figure Q-D shows a flow diagram of the codes that will appear in the display window during the
calibration procedure.
If there is a problem and the TS420 cannot complete the calibration sequence, a fault indicator
will be displayed, and the analog output current will drop to 3.5mA.
Magnet Applied
Magnet Recognized
Cal Proceeding
Figure Q-D Flow Diagram
Model TS420
Quick Start Guide
NOTE - If the unit fails to calibrate a flashing “MODE” LCD will be displayed. The sensor must
see “clean” air for at least fifteen (15) minutes before a second calibration is attempted by
reapplying the magnet.
The instrument is now ready to operate! Please consult the manual for more information
on the instrument’s many features.
If you have any problems in the set-up or testing of the detector, please refer to the “Trouble
Shooting Section”, or call the factory direct.
Worldwide Service is available by calling:
Lake Forest, California
(24 hr. service)
Phone: +1-949-581-4464
Fax: +1-949-581-1151
Houston, Texas
Phone: +1-281-855-6000
Fax: +1-281-855-3290
Phone: +1-353-91-751175
Fax: +1-353-91-751317
Phone: +1-65-748-3488
Fax: +1-65-748-1911
United Arab Emirates
United Kingdom
Phone: +1-971-4-8815751
Fax: +1-971-4-8817927
Phone: +1-44-1625-619-583
Fax: +1-44-1625-619-098
Model TS420
Table of Contents
System Integrity Verification .........................................................................................ii
Commissioning Safety Systems......................................................................................ii
Periodic Testing/Calibration of Field Devices ...............................................................iii
Periodic System Verification ........................................................................................iii
Table of Contents
Table of Figures
General Description...................................................................................1
Features and Benefits ...............................................................................1
Detector Assembly
Sensor Assembly.......................................................................................3
Control Electronics ....................................................................................4
Receipt of Equipment ................................................................................5
Detector Location Considerations .............................................................5
Installation Instructions..............................................................................6
3.3.1 Intrinsically Safe Barriers..............................................................6
3.3.2 Maintenance.................................................................................6
Wiring Connections ...................................................................................7
Applying Power .........................................................................................8
Operating Modes.......................................................................................9
Calibration Equipment .............................................................................10
Sensor Replacement Procedure .............................................................11
Sensor Care and Maintenance................................................................13
Specifications .......................................................................................14
5.1.1 System Specifications ................................................................14
5.1.2 Mechanical Specifications..........................................................14
5.1.3 Electrical Specifications..............................................................14
5.1.4 Environmental Specifications .....................................................15
5.1.5 Intrinsically Safe System Requirements.....................................16
5.1.6 Sample Calculation.....................................................................16
Engineering Documentation....................................................................17
5.2.1 Outline & Dimensional Drawing..................................................17
5.2.2 Control Drawing..........................................................................18
5.2.3 Sample Installation .....................................................................19
5.2.4 Junction Boxes ...........................................................................20
5.2.5 Splash-Guards............................................................................21
5.2.6 Accessories ................................................................................22
5.2.7 Calibration Accessories..............................................................22
Ordering Information................................................................................23
Calibration Schedule for Problem Environments.....................................24
Spare Parts & Accessories......................................................................25
Model TS420
Table of Figures
Figure Q-A
Figure Q-B
Figure Q-C
Figure Q-D
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
Figure 5
Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 9
Outline and Dimensional Drawing......................................................................iv
Wiring Diagram................................................................................................... v
Operating Modes, Indicators and
Flow Diagram ....................................................................................................vii
Model TS420 ...................................................................................................... 1
Oxygen Deficiency Sensor Assembly ................................................................ 3
LCD Display Location......................................................................................... 4
Wiring Diagram................................................................................................... 7
Operating Modes, Indicators and Outputs.......................................................... 8
Flow Diagram ................................................................................................... 10
Calibration Cup................................................................................................. 10
Calibration Plug ................................................................................................ 10
Change in % Oxygen in the atmosphere
with Relative Humidity at constant Temperature................................. 11
Sensor Alignment ............................................................................................. 12
Calibration Kit with Bottle.................................................................................. 13
Outline and Dimensional Drawing.................................................................... 17
Control Drawing................................................................................................ 18
Sample Installation ........................................................................................... 19
10252 Round Aluminum Junction Box............................................................. 20
31305-2 Aluminum Junction Box...................................................................... 20
45160-1 Plastic Junction Box, NPT; 45160-2 Plastic Junction Box, M20........ 21
70631-2 Splash - Guard................................................................................... 21
45170-1 Flow Block.......................................................................................... 22
45147-1 Flow Block Retainer ........................................................................... 22
914-152 Calibration Plug.................................................................................. 22
1400152-1 Calibration Cup .............................................................................. 22
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12
Figure 13
Figure 14
Figure 15
Figure 16
Figure 17
Figure 18
Figure 19
Figure 20
Figure 21
Figure 22
Calibration Schedule for Problem Environments........................................................................ 24
Model TS420
1.0 Introduction
1.1 General Description
The Model TS420 is a 4-20mA, loop-powered Oxygen Deficiency detector used for monitoring
Oxygen levels. The micro-processor based electronics process information at the sensor site
and are contained within a corrosion and solvent resistant plastic housing. An LCD display
provides status indications that can be viewed through a window in the housing. The analog
signal (0 to 25% V/V O2 full scale) provides remote and/or discrete indications of the sensor’s
The TS420 is entity-approved as intrinsically safe for use in Class I, Divisions 1 & 2, Groups A,
B, C and D, Class II, Groups E, F and G & Class III hazardous areas. It can also be used in
general-purpose (non-hazardous) applications.
NOTE - Intrinsically safe applications require an I/S barrier mounted in a safe area. See
Section 3.3.1 for guidelines.
1.2 Features and Benefits
Microprocessor-Based Electronics: monitors for fault conditions, processes input signals
from the sensor and provides outputs in the form of display codes and an analog signal.
One Person Adjustment-Free Calibration: initiate the calibration sequence with a magnet,
apply 20.9% V/V O2, and wait for the display to indicate that the unit has completed the
calibration. No user adjustments are required.
Two Segment LCD: indicates gas presence, operational modes, fault codes and calibration
4 to 20 mA Output: transmits fault, calibration, and gas concentration levels to a remote
display, computer or other device.
1.3 Applications
This is a partial listing of applications.
Wastewater Treatment Plants
Chemical and Petrochemical Plants
Pulp & Paper Plants
Micro-chip Manufacturing
Food & Beverage
Figure 1 Model TS420
Model TS420
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Model TS420
2.0 Detector Assembly
2.1 Sensor Assembly
General Monitors uses a two-electrode electrochemical cell (Figure 2) to provide a stable and
accurate gas detector.
Remove paper liner from gasket, if present.
Figure 2 Oxygen Deficiency Sensor Assembly
The oxygen sensor is of the self-powered, diffusion limited, metal air battery type. It contains an
anode, electrolyte and an air cathode to which the diffusion of oxygen is severely restricted by a
diffusion barrier. At the air cathode, oxygen is reduced to hydroxyl ions, which in turn oxidize
the metal anode. This action produces a current that is proportional to the rate of consumption
of oxygen.
Model TS420
2.2 Control Electronics
The Model TS420’s electronics are contained within a plastic housing so that sensor
information can be processed at the point of detection. The Model TS420 provides a 4-20 mA
output signal proportional to 0 to 25% V/V O2 full-scale gas concentration at the detector.
Ambient Air is approximate 20.9% V/V O2. This level equals 17.38 mA. As the oxygen level
decreases the 4-20 mA signal decreases.
The TS420 provides a two-digit LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). This display (Figure 3) provides
status such as gas present, fault and calibration cues to the operator. The MODE LCD is on
steady during normal operation to show that the sensor is functioning properly.
Monitored faults are: data memory failure, failed to calibrate and sensor removed.
Engineering specifications covering the sensor cell and control electronics are found in the
Appendix, Section 5.1.
Figure 3 LCD Display Location
Model TS420
3.0 Installation
3.1 Receipt of Equipment
All equipment shipped by General Monitors is packed in shock absorbing containers, which
provide considerable protection against physical damage. The contents should be carefully
removed and checked against the packing slip. If any damage has occurred or if there is any
discrepancy in the order, notify General Monitors as soon as possible. All subsequent
correspondence with General Monitors must specify the equipment part number and serial
Each TS420 is thoroughly checked by the factory. However, a complete check-out and initial
calibration is necessary upon initial installation and start up to ensure system integrity.
3.2 Detector Location Considerations
There are no standard rules for detector placement since the optimum sensor location is
different for each application. The customer must evaluate conditions at the facility to make this
determination. Generally, the TS420 should be easily accessible for calibration checks. The
TS420 should be mounted pointing down to prevent water build-up on the detector head. The
detector assembly should not be placed where it may be coated by contaminating substances.
Although the Model TS420 is RFI resistant, it should not be mounted in close proximity to radio
transmitters or similar equipment.
Some general guidelines for sensor location:
The TS420 should be used in locations that are tightly enclosed with poor or no
ventilation, such as utility tunnels or underground storage areas. These areas are likely
to have dangerously low oxygen concentrations.
Observe the TS420’s environmental specifications when locating the unit.
The environmental specifications covering the electrochemical cell are found in the Appendix,
Section 5.1.4.
Detectors should be mounted in an area that is as free from wind, dust, water, shock and
vibration as possible.
WARNING - Operation above or below temperature limits will provide unstable readings, which
may cause false alarms or failure to alarm. See Section 5.1.4 for guidelines.
General Monitors discourages painting of detector assemblies. If the detector head is painted
over, the gas will not be able to diffuse into the sensor. If the TS420 body is painted over, the
LCD display cannot be read.
Model TS420
3.3 Installation Instructions
The TS420 is shipped without the sensor installed. The sensor must be installed into the
detector and calibrated for proper operation. See Section 4.5 for installation instructions and
Section 4.3 for calibration instructions.
Once correctly installed, the TS420 requires little or no maintenance other than periodic
calibration checks to ensure system integrity. General Monitors recommends a calibration
check schedule be established and that the complete system, including all alarm circuitry, be
tested at least annually.
The overall and mounting dimensions for the TS420 (Figure 12) should be used when making
installation determinations. Mechanical specifications can be found in the Appendix, Section
3.3.1 Intrinsically Safe Barriers
In order for the TS420 to be used with classified equipment inside of the hazardous area, it is
necessary for the customer to purchase either a Galvanic or Zener Diode Barrier, which should
be mounted in the non-classified area between the TS420 and the facilities’ control room. A list
of recommended manufacturers and part numbers follows for galvanic barriers:
Stahl - 9303/11-22-11
MTL - MTL7206 or MTL5041
Pepperl+Fuchs - KFD2-CR-EX1.30-300
Elcon - mD323 or mD325
Turck - mk33-Li-ExO
These are recommended active type barriers for intrinsically safe applications. Each application
is different and it is the ultimate decision of the user to determine the appropriate I/S barrier for
their application.
NOTE - To maintain intrinsic safety, wire length and gauge are limited by the capacitance and
inductance of the wire, Ci and Li of the TS420, and the barrier ratings. See Section 5.1.5 for
instructions on calculating these values.
Align the TS420 so that the LCD display is easily viewed. Teflon tape may be used on the
TS420’s threads.
3.3.2 Maintenance
The removal of particulate matter from sensor accessories may be done through the use of
clean water only. Solvents should not be used. The accessories should be thoroughly dried,
with compressed air if necessary, before refitting to the sensor body. Do not apply compressed
air directly to the sensor.
Some typical items to check during maintenance examinations are:
The sensor mounting, to see it is secure.
The sensor, to see it is clear of oil, water, dust or paint which might clog it.
The cable connections for tightness and possible damage.
All detector placements are up-to-date with the layout of the plant, e.g. modifications to
the plant.
The complete system, to see it has a back up supply for the full-prescribed time.
Model TS420
3.4 Wiring Connections
The two wires at the base of the TS420 provide a 4-20mA loop-powered output. The red wire
is the “loop +” lead and the white wire is the “loop -” lead (Figure 4). A third green/yellow wire is
provided for frame ground.
It is recommended that a two wire, shielded cable be used for making power and output signal
connections on the TS420.
Connect the green/yellow frame ground wire to the grounding terminal or lug inside the junction
box being used with the TS420.
Ensure the junction box frame is connected to frame ground or connected to the cable shield,
which is connected to frame ground at the controller.
Connect the red wire to the +24VDC terminal. Connect the white wire to the signal input
terminal on the readout/relay display module, FMD Field Mounted Display, S4100E smart
sensor, industrial analog to digital converter, computer-based monitor, PLC, DCS, etc.
Since the TS420 is designed to operate continuously, a power switch is not included, in order to
prevent accidental system shutdown.
NOTE - Power must remain disconnected until all wiring connections are made.
The absolute maximum distance between the TS420 and the power supply is 8000 feet (2438
meters). Depending on the application, general purpose or intrinsically safe, the cable length
will depend on the intrinsically safe barrier chosen and the cable used. See the Appendix,
Section 5.1.5, for the intrinsically safe system requirements. In addition, cable length
specifications can also be found in the Appendix, Section 5.1.3. In all cases, the cable run
should be as short as possible.
Figure 4 Wiring Diagram
Model TS420
4.0 Operation
4.1 Applying Power
Before applying power to the system for the first time, all wiring connections should be checked
for correctness. The sensor should be allowed to stabilize prior to calibration. The stabilization
time should be one (1) hour for all sensors.
Initial Power-up
The TS420 has been shipped un-calibrated, therefore, the first time power is applied, the
TS420 will enter Start-up mode (3.6mA) for a short interval, then may transition to fault mode
(flashing MODE LCD with the CAL LCD off and the analog output current at 3.5mA) until
calibrated (See Section 4.3 for Calibration Procedure).
After calibration is complete, the TS420 will proceed to Operate mode (17.38mA = 20.9% V/V
O2) where any detected oxygen will show as a proportional analog output current between 4
and 20mA (4mA = 0% V/V O2 , 20mA = 25% V/V O2). The MODE LCD will be on steady and
the CAL LCD off with normal atmosphere and both the MODE and CAL LCD's will flash when
oxygen deficiency is detected. (O2 level < 19%).
General Monitors recommends the TS420 be calibrated again within the first twenty-four (24)
hours after the initial calibration. Calibrations should be performed with new units and units that
have been off power for more than one (1) week. See “Calibration”, Section 4.3, for more
Power-up After Initial Calibration
When the TS420 is powered up, after it has been previously calibrated, the unit will enter a
Start-up mode (3.6mA) for approximately 50 seconds, which allows the sensor to stabilize
before proceeding to the Operate mode (17.38mA). During Start-up, the MODE LCD will flash,
the CAL LCD will be off and the analog output current will be 3.6mA.
AMBIENT O2 = 20.9%
Figure 5 Operating Modes, Indicators and Outputs
Segment may flash Synchronously or alternating.
Perform a calibration and the TS420 will return to operate mode (17.38mA).
NOTE - The TS420 will not allow you to enter calibration mode during Start-up mode (3.6mA).
Model TS420
4.2 Operating Modes
The TS420 has four distinct operating modes: Start-up, Normal Operation, Calibration and
Fault. The mode is indicated by both the analog output and the LCD display. See Figures 5
and 6.
4.3 Calibration
Activating the “CAL” switch will automatically disable the external alarm circuits by fixing the
analog output current to 3.75mA.
General Monitors recommends that the TS420 be calibrated within the first twenty-four (24)
hours after initial start-up, and that calibration be checked at least every ninety (90) days to
ensure the integrity of the system.
NOTE: A calibration check consists of applying a 20.9% V/V O2 (“normal” ambient air) of full-
scale concentration of gas to the sensor and observing the reading on the display device being
General Monitors is not implying that the customer should expect problems with sensor life or
stability. “Frequent” calibration checks merely ensure the integrity of the life protecting
equipment, and are recommended for problem environments (i.e. sensors accidentally being
painted over, etc, see Appendix 5.4).
A calibration schedule should be established and followed. A logbook should also be kept
showing calibration dates and dates of sensor replacement.
Calibration Procedure:
1. If it is suspected that the air is not at “normal” levels (20.9% O2), it will be necessary to
calibrate the sensor with clean air. The 20.9% O2 gas cylinder (GMI P/N 1400262-11) can be
used. Apply the clean air source prior to entering calibration mode and allow the sensor to
stabilize for at least one (1) minute before proceeding.
2. Place the magnet over the GMI Logo on the body of the unit and hold it there until the “CAL”
LCD indicator appears, then remove the magnet. The analog output current will drop to
4. The “CAL” and “MODE” LCD indicator will flash, indicating that the unit is now calibrating.
4. After approximately 30 seconds, the display will change from a flashing “CAL” and “MODE”
LCD to a solid “MODE” LCD, indicating that the calibration is complete and the unit has re-
entered “OPERATE” mode. Remove any calibration gas.
6. The unit is now calibrated and the new values have been stored in the NOVRAM (non-
volatile memory).
Figure 6 shows a flow diagram of the codes that will appear in the display window during the
calibration procedure.
If there is a problem and the TS420 cannot complete the calibration sequence, a fault indicator
will be displayed, and the analog output current will drop to 3.5mA.
Model TS420
Magnet Applied
Magnet Recognized
Cal Proceeding
Figure 6 Flow Diagram
NOTE - If the unit fails to calibrate a flashing “MODE” LCD will be displayed. The sensor must
see “clean” air for at least fifteen (15) minutes before a second calibration is attempted by
reapplying the magnet.
4.4 Calibration Equipment
General Monitors offers flow calibration kits as the method of introducing calibration gas to the
TS420. (See Section 5.5).
Calibration is performed with 20.9% V/V O2.
NOTE - When removing regulator from gas cylinders, open value on regulator to ensure that
gas is purged and pressure in the regulator is relieved. Be sure to follow this recommendation
when switching cylinders.
WARNING – Do not use a gas cylinder if the regulator gage shows the cylinder pressure in the
black area just above 0 psi. Unstable calibration could result.
If the TS420 is to be used with the optional Splash-Guard, all calibrations must be performed
using the calibration cup (Figure 7) with the Splash-Guard installed onto the TS420. In addition,
all gas checks must be performed using the calibration cup with the Splash-Guard installed.
This performs two functions:
It provides a more accurate representation of the amount of gas getting to the sensor.
It checks that the Splash-Guard is not clogged and that gas can get to the sensor.
Figure 7 Calibration Cup
If the Splash-Guard will not be used, the TS420 must be calibrated and gas checked with the
calibration plug (Figure 8)
Figure 8 Calibration Plug
Model TS420
NOTE – Calibrating the TS420 in normal atmospheric air may introduce a considerable error
due to the affects of temperature and humidity. Ambient temperature and humidity can affect
the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere (see Figure 9).
Relative Humidity (%)
Figure 9 Change in % Oxygen in the atmosphere with Relative Humidity at constant Temperature
4.5 Sensor Replacement Procedure
The following is the procedure to replace a TS420 sensor.
IMPORTANT - Each sensor is shipped in a plastic bottle. DO NOT remove the sensor until you
are ready to apply power to the system. To ensure proper sensor response, each TS420 must
be calibrated in the field upon initial installation.
Unscrew the TS420 sensor cap.
Pull sensor out of the TS420 using your fingers. The sensor is a plug-in type, and the
sensor will have a snug fit.
NOTE - The TS420 output will drop to 3.5mA when the sensor is removed, indicating a fault
If the new sensor is in a plastic storage container, then remove lid ring and uncap jar.
Remove the sensor from the container. Save the storage container for later use.
Remove paper liner on sensor gasket if present.
Model TS420
Examine the sensor and ensure that it is the correct gas type for your application.
Align the arrow on the sensor label with the notch on the TS420 body. Install the
sensor by pushing sensor’s pins into pin sockets on the TS420, see Figure 10.
Figure 10 Sensor Alignment
Remove paper
liner from
gasket, if
Model TS420
Figure 11, Calibration Kit with Bottle
Screw on TS420 sensor cap.
Apply power to the unit and allow the sensor to stabilize prior to initial calibration. The
stabilization time should be at least one (1) hour for all sensors.
Calibrate new sensor (see Section 4.3).
NOTE - The TS420 will stay in fault anytime the sensor is removed. Calibration is required to
reset the TS420.
4.6 Sensor Care and Maintenance
If power is removed from the TS420 for periods greater than one hour, the sensor should be
removed from the TS420 and placed in the original storage container shipped with the sensor.
Storage of the sensor in the original container guards against sensor contamination from
solvents, lubricant humidity, etc.
NOTE - Do not short the sensor pins.
In the case of long intervals of non-use, the sensors should be stored as described above in a
cool, dry place, preferably refrigerated between 0 and 20°C.
In all cases, after the sensor has been removed from the TS420, the cap should be replaced on
to the TS420 body and the gas port taped off to prevent any corrosion damage to the exposed
socket pins.
4.7 Fault Codes & The Remedies
The TS420 has self-diagnostics incorporated into the microprocessor program. If a fault is
detected, the output signal will drop to 3.5mA and the MODE LCD will be flashing to indicate
the fault.
When a calibration fault has occurred and has been corrected, the unit will stay in fault until it
has been successfully calibrated.
The Fault Codes are:
Fault (No Power): Neither LCD will be on. Output signal will be 0.0mA.
Remedy: Check wiring, ensure power is applied to unit.
Fault (System): The “MODE” LCD will be flashing. Output signal will be 3.5mA.
Remedy: Attempt recalibrating the detector. If the fault persists, replace the sensor and after
sensor has stabilized (one (1) hour minimum). Recalibrate. If fault still persists, contact factory
or your sales representative.
Model TS420
5.0 Appendix
5.1 Specifications
5.1.1 System Specifications
Sensor Type:
Electrochemical cell
Typical Life (sensing element):
2 years in normal air
Two years for the electronics
One year for the sensor cell
Malfunctions Monitored:
Calibration Errors
Data Memory Errors
Measuring Range:
Oxygen 0-25% V/V O2
Response Time:
T90 < 15 sec
+ 1 % full scale
UL, CUL, CSA, CENELEC and CE approved.
NOTE - Not approved for use in atmospheres > 21%V/V O2.
5.1.2 Mechanical Specifications
Weight (approx.):
0.5 lbs. (0.23 kg)
4.5" (114 mm)
1.75"(44 mm)
3/4" NPT
5.1.3 Electrical Specifications
Recommend two wire 14, 16 or 18 AWG shielded cable.
General Purpose Installations
Maximum distance between the TS420 and the power source @ 24VDC nominal (600 Ω load
resistor maximum) is 8000 feet (2438 meters).
Intrinsically Safe Installations
See Sections 5.1.5 through 5.1.7.
Model TS420
Intrinsically Safe Parameters
Ci =
Li =
500 µH
Input Power:
10 to 35VDC range; 3.5 to 22mA loop powered
Output Current:
(600 Ω max. @ 24VDC) (120 Ω max. @ 10VDC)
Signal Range
3.5 to 22mA
Detection Range
4 to 20mA
Electrical Classification:
Class I, Divisions 1 & 2, Groups A, B, C & D;
Class I, Zone 0, AEx ia IIC T6; EX ia IIC T6; Eex ia IIC T6
Class II, Groups E, F & G,
Class III,
IP67, Type 4X
RFI/EMI Protection:
Complies with EN50081-2, EN50082-2
Status Indicator:
Liquid Crystal Display with Normal, Fault, and Calibration cues
5.1.4 Environmental Specifications
Operating Temperature Range:
-4°F to +122°F
(-20°C to +50°C)
Storage Temperature Range:
-4°F to +122°F
(-20°C to +50°C)
Humidity Range:
0 to 99% relative humidity non-condensing
Pressure Range:
Atmosphere ± 10%
Model TS420
5.1.5 Intrinsically Safe System Requirements
NOTE - Refer to control drawing 45217 Rev A. (Section 5.2.2)
The TS420 is approved as intrinsically safe on its own (entity approved). However, when
installing the TS420 into a system, there are requirements, which must be strictly followed to
maintain the intrinsic safety of the system. These requirements are:
1. Ui/VMAX of the field device (TS420) must be less than or equal to UMAX of barrier.
2. Ii/IMAX of the field device (TS420) must be greater than or equal to IMAX of the barrier.
3. The inductance of the cable and the TS420 (Li) must be less than the barrier’s maximum
inductance rating (La).
4. The capacitance of the cable and the TS420 (Ci) must be less than the barrier’s maximum
capacitance rating (Ca).
To calculate maximum cable length, use the following formulas, and use the shorter of the two
Max. Cable Length = CMAX(Barrier) - Ci(TS420) (ft)
Wire Capacitance/Ft
Max. Cable Length =
MAX(Barrier - Li(TS420) (ft)
Wire Inductance/Ft
5.1.6 Sample Calculation
What is the maximum allowable cable length when using an MTL 7206 barrier and BELDEN
8760 2-conductor shielded cable?
BELDEN 8760 Parameters: C/ft = 24 pF/ft, L/ft: not available
MTL 7206:
CMAX = 0.12 µf
LMAX = 4.0 mH
Ui/VMAX = 35V
Ii/IMAX = 93mA
Ci = 0 µf
Li = 500 µH
Ui/VMAX = 35V
Ii/IMAX = 100mA
1. Ui/VMAX (TS420) ≤ Ui/VMAX (MTL 7206)
35VDC ≤ 35VDC
2. Ii/IMAX (TS420) ≥ Ii/IMAX (MTL 7206)
3. Cable inductance not available.
4. Max. cable length = CMAX (MTL 7206) - Ci (TS420)
C/L (Belden 8760)
= 0.12µf - 0µf
Max. Cable length = 5000 feet
Model TS420
5.2 Engineering Documentation
5.2.1 Outline & Dimensional Drawing
3/4 NPT
1 1/2-20 UN-2A
Figure 12 Outline and Dimensional Drawing
Model TS420
5.2.2 Control Drawing
Figure 13 Control Drawing
Model TS420
5.2.3 Sample Installation
Figure 14 Sample Installation
Model TS420
5.2.4 Junction Boxes
Figure 15 10252 Round Aluminum Junction Box
Figure 16 31305-2 Aluminum Junction Box
Model TS420
Figure 17 45160-1 Plastic Junction Box, NPT; 45160-2 Plastic Junction Box, M20
5.2.5 Splash-Guard
Figure 18 70631-2 Splash - Guard
Model TS420
5.2.6 Accessories
Figure 19 45170-1 Flow Block
Figure 20 45147-1 Flow Block Retainer
5.2.7 Calibration Accessories
Figure 21 914-152 Calibration Plug
Figure 22 1400152-1 Calibration Cup
Model TS420
5.3 Ordering Information
TS420 - 3 0 0 - 101 - 1 0
Junction Box:
0 = None
1 = 45160-1 Junction Box – Plastic NPT
3 = 10252 Junction Box – Round, Aluminum
Model TS420
5.4 Calibration Schedule for Problem Environments
Detector Serial Number:________________________ Location:_____________________
Installation and preliminary calibration. Record date after preliminary calibration is
24-hour calibration. Record date after 24-hour calibration is performed:
7 day calibration check (Record date and reading of calibration check. Repeat after 7
days if reading deviates more than ±10%. Otherwise go to step 4).
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
14 day calibration check (Record date and reading of calibration check. Repeat after
14 days if reading deviates more than ±10%. Otherwise go to step 5).
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
30 day calibration check (Record date and reading of calibration check. Repeat after
30 days if reading deviates more than ±10%. Otherwise go to step 6).
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
60 day calibration check (Record date and reading of calibration check. Repeat after
60 days if reading deviates more than ±10%. Otherwise go to step 7).
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
90 day calibration check:
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
________ ________
Model TS420
5.5 Spare Parts & Accessories
TS420 Spare Parts
The Model TS420 has potted electronics, therefore, there are no replacement boards available
for this unit. The part numbers of the TS420 itself are:
Oxygen Deficiency
Sensor Cap
Replacement Sensors
Oxygen Deficiency Sensor
TS420 Mounting Accessories
Splash-Guard (Standard)
Flow Block (Incl. Ret./Cal Plug)
Retainer, Flow Block
Alum. Junction Box (Small)
Alum. Junction Box (Large)
Plastic Junction Box (3/4” NPT)
Plastic Junction Box (M20)
Cable Grip
¾” NPT, Adapter, Plastic
¾” NPT Adapter, Steel
20 mm x ¾” NPT Adapter, Brass
TS420 Calibration Accessories
Regulator (500ml/Min)
Calibration Plug
Calibration Cup
Calibration Kits (cylinder, regulator & tubing)
O2 20.9%
Spare Cylinders
O2 20.9%
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